Weekly Highlights: Things I’ve Enjoyed Over the Last 7 Days

I wanted to mix things up for this issue, especially after the last two were about the new book (which you can buy right here!).
There's been a lot of great things I've watched, listened to, read and spotted recently, and I wanted to share a few of them with you below. If they pique your interest, even better!

Lovely unscripted moment this morning in the Welsh Parliament as a brilliant young choir from Ysgol Treganna in Cardiff - singing Safwn yn y Bwlch in rehearsal - bump into the Prime Minister (watch their reaction at the end 🎶) pic.twitter.com/oSDIkLsubW
— Andy Davies (@adavies4) July 8, 2024
Is it just me or does it feel like when your big brother has been looking after you so you've been living off Pot Noodles and peanut butter out the jar, but now your Mum and Dad are back and there's clean sheets on the bed and a roast chicken in the oven?
— Ellie Gibson (@elliegibson) July 6, 2024

(57:59 mark)

Thanks for reading/watching/listening.